Sunday, February 15, 2009

S.F. to L.A.

So I decided to traverse to San Francisco last week to visit my buddy Matt. This was in fact to explore San Francisco State and see the opportunities it offered in the realm of teaching, and despite my disappointment it proved to be a most satisfying time away from the homestead of Los Angeles. Avoiding the craziness of California weather patterns I made it to L.A. in time for a Sorcerer show at the RELAX bar in Hollywood on Friday the 13th. You are probably wondering where I got such a nice shiner. I will give some advice to those without any type of medical insurance like myself. Standing up for women you don't know while riding the bus home in the rain is most certainly not an idea one should pursue after a heavy night of drinking, especially if you tend to become insulted by extremely rude people. Long story long we stomped them initially; However, I didn't leave and got jumped by somebody I can't remember....

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